Premio Apila

A Drawing

(Edición en inglés)

Alina wants to draw a picture of her unicorn.
But it’s not as simple as it seems.
Fortunately, she can count on the help of someone very special to teach her some tricks.

Learning to draw is going to become a fun adventure.

A new story about little Alina.
An original and funny story that will surprise you.
A book about creativity and imagination.
Alina and her friend Rodrigo are going to explain to us
how, if we want to do something well, we need to practice.
Want to know the tricks and secrets up an artist’s sleeve?


Más información

Ilustrador: Rodrigo Mattioli

ISBN edición en inglés: 978-84-17028-73-2

ISBN edición en castellano: 978-84-17028-73-2

ISBN edición en catalán: 978-84-17028-73-2

Páginas: 40
Tamaño: 25 x 23 cm
Tapa: Dura
Edad: A partir de 3 años
Idioma: Inglés
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